Review: ‘A Darker Shade of Magic’ by V.E. Schwab

Over at I posted a new review of ‘A Darker Shade of Magic’ by V.E. Schwab, a book everyone has already read it seems.

Two unlikable characters.  Stupid, completely avoidable mistakes.  I would be hard pressed to think of darker-shade-of-magicanother book where this combination would work but A Darker Shade of Magic pulls it off and is therefore a rare book that lives up to its reputation.

It works because Schwab deliberately built her story around two characters who have to live down their own mistakes.  And because in the process she built a London (and a London, and a London, and yet another London) that is impossible to look away from.  Oh, and also because she put two of the best villains on page into the mix to stir the plot and do their best to cause general havoc and mayhem.  All of it adds up to a damn entertaining read.

Please head over and give it a read!

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